One of these days, when I say I promise to keep you all better informed in blog land, I will honestly and truly live up to it! I finally found a little down time to write about this little adventure I am taking down the long winding road of life!
Our little family of 4 packed up all our baggage and moved into my in-laws basement. While I am aware that this is a common step for those married before their brain cells fully developed, it still leaves me a little on the down side. I am trying to stay positive and have found a few upsides to the situation. People here think my cooking is of the gods! That's a nice feeling. I also get a little help with juggling a toddler that is obsessed with touching everything in her range. Everyone always wants to hold babies so Athen pretty much has it made in the shade around these parts. We are beginning our financial makeover. No debt someday is a relaxing thought.
Caydance is growing up and moving faster than I will ever be able to adjust to. She can open her gate now..... the tall one! So corraling her isn't really an option anymore. The other day she decided she wanted some cheese, so she took out the block and took a big bite out of it! Insane! Her favorite words are "Oh pap!" (oh crap) and "what eeeeeverrrrrr" And today for the first time, when I told her she couldn't have ice cream until AFTER her nap, she replied "I hate you" Of course she followed it by "I didn't say it" Looks like I have a pre teen on my hands!
Athena is huge. Well not by any normal standards but her chicken legs have filled out to be of average thickness! And she is pooping every 6 days which is a big improvement for her! LOL She smiles ALOT. She has a few little dimples in her chin that I never noticed until the fat set in.
Brad is enjoying his new job. He's ranked at the top of his training class and pretty proud of it. We hit another little rough patch recently but we're doing that "work hard on your marriage" thing people are always talking about. I'm sure it will all be fine and we spend alot of time together in the process!
Fill you guys in more frequently. Promise!! LOL I miss you all. I swear I haven't seen you all in ages!