Thursday, May 28, 2009

That damn Murphy!

All was well on Monday at my physical. But of course that would have been too easy! I guess because I'm broke Murphy's law came into effect on Tuesday and gave me Tonsilitis! So that meant another copay. . . . . another prescription! Grrr. But I'm glad the pain of it will be over soon. My right tonsil is so swollen it looks like I gained ten pounds in my neck! And the horrible sore throat lead to some accidental weight loss so wooo hooo! LOL

I start at Comcast on Monday. I'm pretty excited to get started onsomething new. It seems like something I will enjoy. Even if I don't love it it'll still be a million times better than what I have now.

Super dad says my car will be ready by the end of this month. I can't wait! I keep telling Richard that my left foot gets bored driving his car. And being able to sleep until 7 again will be a welcome return to the norm.

1 comment:

Trish said...

You can always count on Murphy, huh? LOL
I'm glad you'll be feeling better soon and the new job should help you prepare better for Murphy.
Love you!

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