Thursday, March 12, 2009

I knew it was coming.

SO since the day Caydance started talking (and then never stopped) I've been waiting for that moment when she says something politically incorrect at a volume heard by the entire establishment. Yesterday that moment finally came. Come along on this parenting journey with me.....

It was too cold for the park but I had told Caydance we would go. What to do? So I drive to the nearest play place at McD's at set her loose. This place was packed like big mac monday or something. There were a group of special needs kids there. Most of their disabilities were not obvious enough for her to notice. She got a little irritated when one girl wouldn't get off the slide but she just thought she was rude! LOL.

So anyway, she comes running up to me "Mommya!" because that's what she's calling me these days. "That boy scared me!" So I ask "which boy?" knowing that this was about to get educational. Now let me pause to describe this very sweet little boy to you. I don't know the name of his condition so I can only describe it. Be aware that all of this is being said with respect. He had a long jawline, larger head, and shorter arms with small fingers.

Now..... I found it interesting that she described him like this. "He has bad eyes." So many other obvious things she may have noticed but she went to the eyes. Kinda sweet. So I did my best describing why her friend looked different. The whole time I'm thinking of Reba "what do you say in a moment like this?"

Every baby is different when they come out of their mommies belly. That's why you, and Tukker, and Lily, and Jaxon all look different. Well when he came out of his mommy's belly he was a little bit sick so that's why he looks different. But he's just like you! See he likes to play on the slide and throw the basketball. He's just a nice friend like all the other kids.

She stuck with "He's sick." Who knows if that's the right way to go about this conversation? But I was satisfied. A 3 year old can only grasp so much you know?

1 comment:

Trish said...

Sounds like you handled it well mama.

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